Friday, March 25, 2011

People thinking there cool but there really not!

I hate that when you walk down the hall there is always somebody think that they are better than you. Well I'm sorry to break it to you that you aren’t better than anybody. Just because your a prep and you wear name brand clothes all the time and you have to look better than everybody every second of the day well your not cool. Maybe that you have a many friends those are just like you that don’t make you cool! Half of the time you are two faced and nobody likes you. That's why many of the fights happen in school is because preps don't know how to keep there mouth shut. I think that our school would be way better if preps didn't go here! I don't care what you think about this post but it’s the truth! They always have to talk crap about people that aren’t in their click! Well half of the preps in the school are ugly and they sometimes look like guys! They think that they look all perfect. Well sorry you think your better than everybody else cause different clicks look at you like your stupid!! Well when I walk down the hall I look at them like there dumb! Half of the preps that walk down the hall are dizzily and look really dumb! Also they think that they dress why better than you and they can do everything better than somebody else. Everybody asks why don’t different cliques interact with each other but its simple its just because different cliques think that they are better than you in everything they do. If they didn’t act the way they did maybe other cliques would maybe talk to them not talk crap about them when they walk down the hall. I just hate that they think that are better than you in everything they do and think that there perfect.


  1. It's so true Racheal. Well said. There are a lot of people that think that in our school, but I don't think they're always the ones who cause all the problems. Other kids that aren't "preps" sometimes cause big problems. But overall I do have to agree with you and your blog.

  2. I do agree with this. people pick fights over how cool they think they are or how they dress. Really people need to grow up its not all about you and if you think your cool because you have a bunch of cool friends it does mean a thing. But they are not the only ones that cause problems at school but still grow up and be friends with everyone and dont judge.

  3. I agree preppy people are just stuck up with sticks up their behinds. They should get them removed.

  4. i just have a coutple things to say about this post define (preps) and by writing this blog bashing on them and calling them out are you any better than them because two wrongs dont make a right
